Lent is in full swing at FBC Beverly and we hope you'll join us for our fun upcoming events! Tonight, Monday March 10th is Pickleball in the Gym at 7 o'clock ~ all are welcome whether a seasoned pro or a brand new beginner! Look forward to seeing you at FBC!


Monday Night Supper

A meal will be served to anybody who needs it.


7 o'clock in the FBC Gym!

Staff Meeting

Our ministerial staff and leadership team meet weekly to ensure that communication is strong and that all aspects...

Lay Visitation Committee

First Baptist's Lay Visitation Ministry Team provides a ministry of visitation, caring, listening, prayer, and comfort to the...

Zoom Coffee Hour

Come and gather around the virtual table on Thursday at 10:00 am for a time of connection, laughter,...

Lectio Divina

Join us in person or via Zoom at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87637952236?pwd=cXY0cHB3QncxOEY4Y2FlUWVzb1pBUT09!