*TODAY* is our big Holiday Fair~ Saturday, November 16th from 9:00-2:30 p.m.! Stop by to enjoy all the festivities and have a BALL getting into the holiday spirit! Crispy Top Apple Pies are for sale, Santa is here taking pictures, the Cake Raffle is at 1:00 p.m., breakfast & lunch both being served and crafts and sweet treats abound! Don't forget to win a chance at some pretty amazing Celtics tickets and our incredible basket spread for our Silent Auction at only $5/ticket!



September 29th – SAVE THE DATE FOR RALLY DAY 2024-2025!!!

Bob’s Blood Drive

Locally, we have a chance to help restock the blood banks to celebrate one year since Bob Blanchard’s...


7 o'clock in the FBC Gym!

Staff Meeting

Our ministerial staff and leadership team meet weekly to ensure that communication is strong and that all aspects...

Zoom Coffee Hour

Come and gather around the virtual table on Thursday at 10:00 am for a time of connection, laughter,...

Bell Choirs

The handbell choir(s) rehearse on Thursday evenings, from 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. in the Chapel. Contact our Music...