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Zoom Coffee Hour
Come and gather around the virtual table on Thursday at 10:00 am for a time of connection, laughter,...
Bell Choirs
The handbell choir(s) rehearse on Thursday evenings, from 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. in the Chapel. Contact our Music...
Sanctuary Choir
The Sanctuary Vocal Choir meets weekly with Music Director Dr. Esther Chang for rehearsal in the Music Room,...
Lectio Divina
Join us in person or via Zoom at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87637952236?pwd=cXY0cHB3QncxOEY4Y2FlUWVzb1pBUT09!
Youth Class
Organ Crawl and pizza with Esther immediately after Worship!
“Coming Home: Around The Table” Open Forum
Held in the Chapel downstairs. Stay tuned for more details!
Monday Night Supper
A meal will be served to anybody who needs it.