Join us this weekend at FBC as we kick things off Friday night at 5:00 p.m. with Daniel in the church Lounge or via Zoom for Lectio Divina! Also happening this evening is a special Women's Fellowship Event starting at 6:00 p.m. at Tracey's! Sunday we hope you'll join us for Worship at 10:00 a.m. followed by our Mid-Year Meeting that everyone is invited to attend (light lunch will be provided as well as childcare!). Stay warm & hope to see you at FBC!

Electronic Pledge Form for 2025


Hallelujah Farm Retreat

Hallelujah Farm is a restored 17th century farm and retreat center set in the hills and meadows of the...

Senior High Banquet

The Banquet - come to the church at our usual time (6 p.m. until 9 p.m.) dressed in...

Book Group

The Book Group will discuss “Little Fires Everywhere” by Celeste Ng. As always, the group meets at...

Contemplative Paddle

We will partner with Temple B'Nai Abraham for a beautiful paddle on Chebacco Lake in Essex. We’ll gather at...

Church Baseball Outing

Come watch the Lowell Spinners vs. The Staten Island Yankees with the FBC Men’s Fellowship in an all...

Women's Fellowship Lawn Party

Women’s Fellowship will celebrate its end-of-year with a pot-luck appetizer Lawn Party, hosted by Tracey Armstrong , with...

Deacons Meeting

We will meet enjoy dinner at Karen Popadic's house and before our discussion.

Zootopia Showing

We will be showing Zootopia at Beverly Common, drive-in style. Bring blankets, chairs, snacks, friends and family. All...