Worship Service
Join us for Worship on Sundays at the First Baptist Church in Beverly either in person or via...
Monday Night Supper
A meal will be served to anybody who needs it.
Summer Book Group
There will be a book group jointly led by Julie and Daniel meeting on Tuesdays in July reading...
Lectio Divina
Join us in person or via Zoom at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87637952236?pwd=cXY0cHB3QncxOEY4Y2FlUWVzb1pBUT09!
Worship Service
Join us for Worship on Sundays at the First Baptist Church in Beverly either in person or via...
Monday Night Supper
A meal will be served to anybody who needs it.
Theology On Tap
August 6th – Theology on Tap @ Kitchen Table in Beverly 8 p.m.