Join us each summer Sunday (June 18th - September 10th) morning at 10:00 a.m. for worship in our...
Book Group
The book group will be meeting one last time before taking off for the summer. They'll discuss "Lilac...
Women's Fellowship Pot-Luck Brunch
This is really a wonderful and enjoyable event. All are invited to come to Cindy Shupp’s home, 17...
Pick-up Choir
Drop in for a fun opportunity to offer your voice up in song at a summer service!
Men's Fellowship BBQ and Championship Lawn Bowling
All men and boys of FBC are encouraged to attend this fun (and good eating) event. Bring a...
Theology on Tap
Join us on the FIRST Tuesday of every month for Theology on Tap! This lively discussion group...
Contemplative Paddle
Gather at the beautiful Chebacco Lake for a Contemplative Paddle on Saturday, July 15 from 8:30-10:30 a.m. We...