Christmas Eve is here! We'd love for you to join us at one (or both!) of our services, which are offered in person or via Livestream! See the details below regarding our 5 o'clock service planned with the enthusiasm of children in mind versus our 11:00 p.m. Candlelight Service.


Senior High Canoe Trip Load-Up

Come down to the church at 6:00 p.m. to get the canoes loaded on the trailer in preparation...

Senior High Canoe Trip

The Senior High Fellowship group will be heading north to Maine for a canoe trip overnight in preparation...

Children and Youth Sunday

Please join us for this joyful and exciting Sunday when our children and youth will take the lead...

Parents' Night Out

All parents and families in the wider community are invited to join our church family in this special...

Deluxe Breakfast

The Middle School Fellowship will be cooking up a delicious deluxe breakfast for the church family and for...

Worship – Music Sunday

Join us this Sunday morning at 11:00 a.m. for a special, music-filled worship service in our Sanctuary! There...

Annual Meeting

All church members and friends are encouraged to please make it a priority to attend the ANNUAL MEETING...

Church Office Closed

In honor of the Memorial Day holiday, the church office will be closed on Monday, May 29th. Please...