Wednesday, the 15th FBC's Trustees' of Endowment gather at 7:30 p.m. and it's also the latest Community Conversation to check out at The Cabot! Thursday is Zoom Coffee Hour at 10:00 a.m. with Julie and Friends, then Friday night is our first Power Of Us meeting and Potluck from 5:00-8:00 p.m. See you soon at FBC Beverly and be sure to read our latest edition of The Bulletin, our weekly e-newsletter that features all the latest happenings!

Electronic Pledge Form for 2025


Fellowship Beach Party

We will head to the Blanchard Camp to catch up from our summers and kick-off another great upcoming...

Directory Photos

The photography shoot for the new church directory, September 13 - 16, is fast approaching. To make our directory...

Sanctuary Choir

The Sanctuary Vocal Choir meets weekly with Music Director Dr. Esther Chang for rehearsal in the Music Room,...


We’ll begin the festivities in Wilbur Hall with a delicious family-style breakfast, served by our youth groups (suggested...

Middle School Fellowship

Activities and Events for Middle School Fellowship (all events take place from 4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. unless...

Senior High Fellowship

Senior High Fellowship is open to all senior high aged youth from Beverly and its surrounding communities! Please...

Rummage Sale Setup

Begin sorting through your attic and basements for items you don’t need and donate them to the FBC...

Staff Admin Meeting & Dinner

To kick off the new season, we will meet for dinner at Pam's house, followed by the meeting.

Bell Choirs

The handbell choir(s) rehearse on Thursday evenings, from 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. in the Chapel. Contact our Music...