Join us this week at First Baptist Church in Beverly starting off with pickleball in the gym at 7 o'clock on Monday night! Tuesday the 7th is Theology On Tap at 8:00 p.m. back at The Kitchen Table in Beverly, and Thursday is Zoom Coffee Hour with Julie & Friends at 10:00 a.m.! Friday, January 10th is when our FBC Senior High Fellowship crew pushes off for a retreat to North Conway, NH for the weekend, and then on Sunday we round out the week with Worship at 10:00 a.m. followed by an Informational Meeting on this year's Summer Service trip to Marion, VA immediately following worship! It's another action-packed week ahead... won't you join us?!

Electronic Pledge Form for 2025


SOUPer Bowl and Quilt Raffle

SOUPer Bowl Sunday and Quilt Raffle February 3rd This delicious fundraiser for our Mission Committee and mission programs...

Middle School Fellowship

Middle School Fellowship is open to all middle school aged youth from Beverly and its surrounding communities! It’s...

Senior High Fellowship

Senior High Fellowship is open to all senior high aged youth from Beverly and its surrounding communities! It’s...

Women's Fellowship: Game Night

Women's Fellowship Game Night: Laugh | Snack | Repeat Saturday, February 9th at 7pm All women of  the church...

Middle School Fellowship

Middle School Fellowship is open to all middle school aged youth from Beverly and its surrounding communities! Please...

Fellowship Parents Meeting

Join us for this opportunity to connect with Fellowship leaders! We hope this meeting will help form a...