Lent is the season and time of preparation before Easter – a season of 40 days (the Sundays in the season of Lent do not count in the 40 days of Lent, because every Sunday is instead intended to be like a “little Easter,” remembering the Resurrection of Jesus – so they are not counted in the days of preparation, fasting, or simplifying that compose the rest of the season) that invites us to ready our hearts and our minds for Holy Week and for Easter itself, reflecting on our faith, the life of Jesus, and the ways in which God continues to call to us in our time and lives.
Our Lenten theme for this year is The Art of Rest, Renewal, and Resolve. Throughout the season, our worship exploration will find us journeying with Jesus through stories of his life and ministry, and noticing the ways in which Jesus models for us the importance of finding space to rest, to care for oneself and for those on the journey with us; to fill our spirits and to be renewed; and then to resolve to return, again and again, to the work to which God calls us: the work of resisting earthly powers of oppression, greed, violence, and injustice, and to work and speak for a world that reflects God’s kin-dom of equity, care, justice, and love. To learn to rest is an art we can practice. To find renewal for our souls is an art we can practice. To resolve, again and again, to set our feet to the path Jesus revealed to us is, indeed, an art we can practice. With practice, we find we can make progress at creating patterns in our daily lives for the rest and renewal that steel our resolve.
Throughout the season, we will also be invited to put our theme and the scriptures of our faith into conversation with literal works of art: street art and community murals that help communities give voice to themes of justice, care, and love, offering us hope and inspiration for our journey. Together, we will consider the ways in which murals and street art so often give voice and expression to those who might otherwise go unheard, and the ways in which the art that inspired our Lenten worship theme reflects the threads of wisdom we find in the scriptures of our faith – challenging and inspiring us to practice, in our own lives, the arts of rest and renewal that can fuel our resolve to be agents of love and do-ers of justice and kindness in God’s world.
This work to which we are called can sometimes feel daunting or even exhausting. This Lent, you are invited to come, bringing all of your weariness, your hope, your wonders, your worries, your sorrows and your joys, and to journey together exploring and recognizing the ways in which, when we feel weary, Jesus’ example reminds us to rest, but not to quit. Come and journey together with us this Lent!
With thanks to our Lenten Worship Planning Team: Kelsey Belis, Heidi Keating, Luke Oliveira, and Doris Ann Vosseler, who joined Rev. Julie Flowers in planning for the season.
As part of interacting with our Lent theme this year, there will be opportunities in the sanctuary for Visio Divina experiences, inviting us to look more closely at the featured mural of street art selection for each Sunday in Lent, as well as a Take One/Leave One Affirmation Prayer Wall, where we can care for one another and offer one another strength and resolve for the journey by adding an affirmation note for someone else to take as they need and where we can take an affirmation – or several! – that speak to us and nourish our souls for the week and work ahead, too!
Esther’s Easter Pop-Up Choir!
The young (& the young at heart!) are invited to rehearse “Jesus Is Risen! Alleluia!” from 6:00-6:30 p.m. We’ll practice twice together then perform this FBC favorite with joyful hearts on Easter Sunday!
Easter Lilies and Tulips: Now Taking Orders Thru Friday, March 28th
Easter lilies and tulips are still available to order at FBC! The cost is $10.00 for lilies and $8.00 for tulips. Orders are now due to Pat by Friday, March 28th. You can note your lily or tulip order on the clipboard in the church office on Sunday or contact Pat Haight at 978-922-3295 or at phaight@fbcbeverly.org to place your order.
The flowers, in memory or in honor of a loved one, will decorate our Sanctuary during our Easter Sunday Service and will be available to take with you after the service on April 20th. If you prefer, you can donate your flower(s) to be gifted to members of the First Baptist Church family who are not able to join us for worship as often as they would like in person but who are still very much a part of our FBC Family!
PUNTO Urban Art Museum Presentation and Field Trip: “In Art and Love We Trust!”
You enter into the heart of the Point Neighborhood in Salem, MA. Then, you walk up an incline into an alleyway between two buildings, you turn a corner, and there you see it: “En Arte y Amor Confiamos” “In Art and Love We Trust.” Clearly love is something we can trust in, but art? What does it mean to trust in art? If this question intrigues you, then we invite you to come to the presentation on Salem’s Punto Urban Art Museum that Bryan Vosseler will give after worship on Sunday April 6th. And then feel free to experience it yourself on a field trip to Salem after church – and a small lunch – on Sunday April 27th. No need to come to the presentation to participate in the Field Trip!
However, if you want something to ponder before we get together, feel free to think about this: What if art is an act of creative love? What if art is an act that actually constricts fear by creating surprise, wonder and beauty? And what if beauty actually does have power – just as love does – to create community and to empower a neighborhood? And, if you’d like to chat with Bryan about any of these questions before we get together, feel free!
Entering-into-Holy-Week Dinner and a Movie Event on Friday, April 11th!
Join us at 6:00 p.m. for a dinner of pizza and salad in the Narthex followed by a movie starting at 7:00 p.m. (with movie snacks!) in the Sanctuary as we reprise this fun FBC tradition!
Let’s cozy on in as we enter into Holy Week at FBC Beverly! We’re excited to enjoy our feature Godspell together! You’re invited to get into the theme by wearing funky 70s attire including tie dye, bell bottoms, colored glasses, whatever helps you channel that groovy era! We’ll have song lyrics sheets at the ready for a sing-a-long as well.
Don’t forget to bring your pillows and blankets and to RSVP to Julie so we can have an accurate headcount for food.